Press & Info
of Prof. Ira Schneider
Short resume
of Prof. Ira Schneider
DNA, Strasbourg
"The origins of video art" An article concerning the exhibition "YOU: R: CODE" at headquarters d'Arte in Strasbourg including "Wipe Cycle" by Frank Gillette and Ira Schneider Sept. 2019
Ira Schneider: "I Just Do It"
Jan. 2018 An interview
by Joost de Jonge and Inge van de Ven
Nov. 2017 "All Power does not proceed from the end of a gun." (translated from German) - an article about the Raindance / Radical Software exhibition at ZKM Karlsruhe.
Berliner Tagesspiegel
April 24, 2013 "Von der Gegenkultur zur Gegenwart" (German) - some words about I. Schneider
Berliner Zeitung
June 2, 2009 "Kurzer Wechsel überm Bürgersteig" (German) - about I. Schneider
April 2009 "Three American Movies" - Schneider's video of J.L. Godard
von Claudia Stein online vom 29.08.08
20.September 2008, page 28
Berliner Zeitung
28.August 2008, page 23
August 2008, page 105
Berliner Morgenpost
28.August 2008, page 105
Art and the Moving Image
Tate 2008, pages 33, 200, 222, 223, 224, 259, 296, 481, 486-487
Art and Social Change
Tate 2007, page 470
Ira Schneider at the zkm medialounge [mehr/more]
thanks to the zkm medialounge
UFO in Aspik
von CHRISTIAN FUNKE aus dem Magazin vom 1.August 2001
Before 'Reality TV' There Was Reality Video
By MICHAEL RUSH, New York Times, from January 21, 2001
Wenn ich sterbe, möchte ich einen Satellitenanschluß
Ein Artikel von Guido Schirmeyer in "Die Welt" vom 30. Juli 2001
Barbara Borcic: From Video Pioneers to the Art of Projection - Some Examples
From magazine Likovne besede no. 81, 82 (3 from 8 pages in Slovenian)
From ART IN AMERICA, "When Video Was Young"
by Joseph Jacobs, May 2007, article (page 120):
"Ira Schneider's 1974/2006 Manhattan is an Island was one example" (of the surpises). "On 23 monitors mounted on unusually tall pedestals of varying heights, suggesting skyscrapers and evoking Manhattan, Schneider presented black-and-white video footage of people moving about he city, capturing the ceaseless intensity of life on the sidewalks and streets."
Mysteries in Reality
by IRA SCHNEIDER, Catalouge, 148 pages, Edition Braus, to order contact Neuer Berliner Kunstverein NBK
KunstFilmBiennale Köln
Catalouge 2005, p. 75