EXHIBITIONS in Berlin + other Locations

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Raindance 40th Reunion Symposium, Loyola University, Chicago:
An edit can be seen here (Vimeo page)

"Schuster/Schneider 2 and friends":

Michael Schuster

Sonja Gangl & Michael Schuster

Sigrid Becker

Ann Noël

Ira Schneider: "Bill Viola"

Ira Schneider


Museum of Modern Art, Vienna (MUMOK):
"Changing Cannels" Videoexhibition, March 2010:

This exhibition used earphones extensivly and so we could not present the sound for many of the video works.
(note: Beryl Korot was the editor in chief of Radical Software from 1970-1974.)

Radical Software Magazine

The Radical Software Web Site is a joint project of the Daniel Langlois Fondation of Montreal,
Davidson Gigliotti and Ira Schneider.